What is Tingkat catering?
For those who do not know what a Tingkat or a Tingkat catering is, it’s basically delivered meals packed in metal tins or metal “lunchboxes” that reminds you of post-war Singapore. Nevertheless, Tingkat meals can often remind us of home-cooked food if you ever miss home-cooked food. Times have changed and people are starting to cook less and eating out more because of convenience. However, for convenience sake, we may not be taking care of our health the proper way. Outside foods usually contain more oil, salt and other forms of seasoning to enhance their flavour. Therefore, Tingkat delivery is a healthier choice and most convenient. Tingkat delivery services cover your lunch and/or dinner, depending on your subscription. These subscriptions usually come in 10 days or 20 days, depending on your budget. Caterers such as Le Xin do offer a Tingkat trial period of 5 or 10 days to see whether you will like their food and service...