The Importance of Meals for Senior Citizens Who Live Alone
When Singapore enacted its stay-at-home measures for 2 months, a survey done by the Singapore Management University found that the social satisfaction levels for senior citizens dipped by about 4%. Among those affected, senior citizens who were living alone felt the greatest impact. It’s not hard to imagine why – the senior citizens who lived alone either relied on their family members to visit or they met their peers within their neighbourhood while they go about their daily routines. However, during the stay-at-home measures, family members were discouraged from visiting their elderly family members. Furthermore, senior citizens were encouraged to stay at home more often to minimise their risk of contracting the virus. With such sudden disruptions to their daily routines over a prolonged period, many senior citizens have found it difficult to return to their daily lifestyles. Thus, more than ever, we need to check in with our senior family members, especially if they’re living ...