Tackling Our Food Waste in Singapore
In Singapore, food waste concerns are on the rise. Last year, we threw out 744 million kg of food – the weight of about 51,000 double-decker buses! The sheer amount of food wastage is troubling in two ways. One, because it adds to the limited space in Singapore’s only landfill. Two, because Singapore must import most of its food due to our limited land resources to grow our own, we’re wasting a significant number of resources and energy that goes into growing, processing, and transporting food for our consumption. This in turn also increases our carbon footprint, as we’ll have to find ways to dispose of the wastage in an environmentally safe manner. What can we do as consumers? For starters, food waste at the consumer level tends to be because we buy too much for our own consumption, and then throw it out once it hits the best-by dates. Another way is when we order too much food when we are eating out at buffets or hawker centres and find ourselves unable to finish our food. In b...